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Growth Mindset

I had not heard of Carol Dweck before I watched the videos. For myself, as far as school goes, I believe I am more geared toward a growth mindset, however, I have definitely experienced the fixed mindset before when I just want to get through the assignment and get a grade. When I get into that mindset I don’t care so much about learning, it is more as if I am going through the motions or checking off the boxes. When I find myself thinking like that, I remind myself why I am at OU and I remember what I am trying to get out of my time here. I am not just here for the degree, I am here for the education. 

In other aspects of my life, it is the same way. As a poor college student, I think I approach making food with a fixed mindset. I want it to be easy. I want the outcome to be guaranteed. I don’t want to work hard preparing a new meal that doesn’t work out and ends up wasting time and money. However, when I do other things such as kayaking, I approach with a growth mindset. I have driven to out of the way places in search of a good put in without any fixed destination, I have pushed myself to my limits in order to become a stronger and better kayaker. I love the challenge. I used to compete on horseback and it was the same way. I would keep going even when it was hard and I embraced the feedback of the judges because I really aimed to improve.

 For this semester, especially I aim to learn, not just to make good grades. I am taking some classes that I will probably reference in my future career as well other classes that genuinely interest me. I am taking a beginning piano course because I love the instrument and I really do want to learn to play it. 

I liked this photo when I saw it because I have a cat name Pester who likes to steal food in the same way. I imagine that cat is quite excited to find all of that shrimp. 
Photo Credit: growthmindsetmemes


  1. I totally relate to putting different amounts of effort into different categories - for me, I like to really challenge myself with running and writing about topics that interest me in school, but when it comes to relaxation I have no interest in being challenged (I basically just rewatch the same 5 movies because I don't want to invest in a new plot). I hope you get to learn from this class and your other classes this semester!

  2. Natalie,

    I totally understand getting fixed in that easy guaranteed mindset from time to time! I love how you mentioned that when you approach new experience like kayaking you approach that with a growth mindset! I think that is so cool. I am a huge outdoor person and think there is no better way to approach new experiences, especially outdoor experiences.


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