My name is Elyse, and I am working toward a double major, Accounting and Finance. Last summer, I went with the business college to Italy to study abroad. While I was there, I took Cost Accounting, which has been my favorite class so far. It may sound boring at first, however, we partnered with a winery to create an extensive financial report, detailing the specifics of how their business has been doing and offering suggestions on how to improve. In a real-world context, Cost Accounting becomes highly enjoyable to someone who likes working with numbers and has an analytical mind. Especially when you are sitting on a mountain, drinking wine, and touring a beautiful vineyard! Next summer, I am going to be interning at Koch Industries up in Wichita. It is only over the summer, however, I hope that it will give me experience I can use in the future, as well as help me to discover exactly what kind of a job I want when I graduate. One thing people like to know about me is my travel exp...
Hi Elyse! That's what is so cool about the HTML button: it lets you look at the raw computer code... if you want. Sometimes, though, you might want to do that, like if you are adding some other kind of computer code to your blog post (like embedding a Tweet or a Pinterest Board or something like that). The HTML is really always there, but you can totally ignore it if you want. Personally, I like HTML. If you know a little HTML you can do bold and italics and things like that in the comments which otherwise you cannot do because... (cue Twilight Zone music) ... the comments are in the HTML mode. :-)