Homer's Odyssey, retold by Tony Kline mythfolklore One thing I noticed and neglected to mention was the use of wine and those under its influence, almost as a contrast to Odysseus. He is always praised as cunning and smart. Whereas, when he gives the wine to the Cyclops he is able to dull its senses and escape. It is even more evident later when Elpenor drinks wine on Circe's island, climbs onto the roof, misses the ladder, and falls to his death. I found the entire part with the ghosts to be rather dark and sad, especially when Odysseus meets his mother, who he didn't even know was dead. When he found her, he couldn't embrace her. Also when he meets Agamemnon, who was killed by his wife and his lover. After all that time at war, that was the homecoming he received. He didn't get to see his son or family again before he was killed. He also was very bitter toward women and advised Odysseus not to fully trust his wife, which was bad advice because Odysseus' ...