In this class this week, I read the King Arthur unit. I know the stories like I am sure most people do. I have seen the Disney version and the BBC "Merlin" TV show. But I haven't actually read that many of the stories themselves. I found them very interesting, especially since I didn't realize how Christian and even Catholic they where. There was an interesting note in the unit about how the Holy Graal is a mixture of Christian and heathen tradition that has gotten mixed together.
As a Catholic, this week was a busy one. The Masses during Easter week are the longest of the year. The service on Good Friday was over two hours and the Easter Vigil was over three hours long! They are time-consuming, especially since the Church is an hour away from me but it was worth the drive. I think these are also the most beautiful services during the year as well.
Because of the amount of time I spent in the car and at Church, I had to do some finishing up this morning for my assignments. For my Project, I had to revise it by shortening the story I wrote and splitting it into two parts. I will publish the last portion later this week. I was really happy with the way it turned out and hopefully it is easier to read now that it is shorter.
This seems to be the time for projects. Beyond the one in the class, I have one in my Audit class due tomorrow, one in my Advanced Corporate Finance due Thursday and one in Tax due next week! I can tell you, this one is the most fun of all of them.
As the semester draws to a close, I am mainly focusing on classes. I have made plans for things to do after my finals but until then, I am just going to try to finish strong!
Happy Easter! Photo Credit: pixabay
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